Zsigmondy-Kolloquium 2022

The 17th Zsigmondy Colloquium of the Colloid Society took place at the RWTH Aachen university between the 6th and the 8th of April 2022.

Invited Speakers

Janne-Mieke Meijer

Eindhoven University of Technology

Yuri Gerelli

La Sapienza University in Rome

Mathias Karg

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Thomas Mosciatti

The Dow Chemical Company

More than 90 participants discussed the chemistry and physics of functional colloids, the phase behavior and flow properties of soft colloids in dense systems, the key aspect of their formulations for applications, and the advance in theory and simulations to describe them. The scientific program comprised 33 oral contributions, 60 posters, and four lectures from invited speakers.

Poster Award to

Nicole Janoszka (University of Münster)

Poster Award to

Frank Bradley (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces)

Organization committee

Andrea Scotti, Cathrin Segler, Fabian Claßen, Anna Eisele and Walter Richtering