Award ceremony during the 52st Annual General Meeting 2024

During the 52nd Annual General Meeting of the Colloid Society, which took place from 30 September to 2 October 2024 with the theme Particle Based Functional Materials: Towards Device Integration and Polyelectrolyte Coacervates Renaissance, the following Colloid Society awards were presented:

  • Ostwald Award: Roland R. Netz, Berlin
  • Steinkopff Award: Andrij Pich, Aachen
  • Liesegang Award: Katharina Landfester, Mainz
  • Zsigmondy grant: Lukas Zeininger, Potsdam
  • Graham grant: Yeshayahu (Ishi) Talmon, Haifa

Roland R. Netz

Roland Netz was awarded the Ostwald Prize for his work on the wetting behaviour and surface potential of water, acids and bases on graphene. (Photo: Annette Andrieu-Brunsen)

Andrij Pich

Andrij Pich received the Steinkopff Prize in recognition of his work on colloidal building blocks for interactive soft matter. (Copyright photo: Michael Gradzielski)

Katharina Landfester

Katharina Landfester received the Liesegang Prize in recognition of her work on the world of nanocapsules. (Photo copyright: Andreas Fery)

Lukas Zeininger

Lukas Zeininger received the Zsigmondy Scholarship to support his work on the change in form of droplets with programmable transience. (Photo copyright: Michael Gradzielski)

Yeshayahu (Ishi) Talmon

Yeshayahu Talmon received the Graham Award in recognition of the impact of cryo-electron microscopy on colloid science. (Copyright photo: Madalie has not yet been submitted)